You will also get the best trending youtube hashtags that will boost your views. Let’s face it, being a YouTuber is hard. It drains you mentally and physically. But, unfortunately, it is not as easy, and there is always a new challenge that you face. So, one of my friends was trying to improve his YouTube channel, initially he had only 6 subscribers. The task was to understand what is lacking as he was quite consistent in sharing content and posting new videos.  This is one of the common problems faced by many of us. Learn how to overcome this, spot problems and increase views & followers on your channel. We did some studies and research work on the same and concluded that “what not to do” is equally important to “what to do”.

Best youtube hashtags to use in 2022

Youtube hashtags for motivational channel

Youtube hashtags for Vlog channel

Youtube art hashtags

Hashtags for funny meme videos

Viral hashtags for youtube

Next, follow these trending Youtube shorts topics to stay creating more.

3 Important Factors

You need to understand 3 Youtube variable:

Things to NOT do in Youtube Tags:

1. Do not over the tag.

You must only use around three hashtags. If you have been using more than that, then the Youtube algorithm ignores your videos. As for tags, it is recommended to use around 5 – 8 tags in your description.

2. Never use unrelated tags even once.

Imagine you are a cooking channel. And you saw a new trend; it feels like we use it. So we also can go trending. But do not use it unless it is directly related. If you do so, the Youtube algorithm catches that. And will immediately stop promoting your videos. If you have already done something like that, do check it out. And remove it.

3. Do not use tags that are illegal.

You should not use any sexual or illicit words as tags. You can check out more info from Youtube on that. But the basic rule of thumb is to use those words only, which a platform can promote without any tensions.

4. Do not use space in your Hashtags

Your hashtags must be without any space. Even if it is a two word like ‘Cute Cats’, you must use the ‘CuteCats’ hashtag only. This is a big mistake many YouTubers make. Do not have any kinds of spaces in your hashtags even if it is a phrase.

Things to DO in Youtube Hashtags:

1. Use a Simple and Unique personal Hashtags and Tags

All the new channels which blew up have done this. And they say this was one of the ways they blew up. Make sure your name is short and catchy. Moreover, use that name in all of your videos. Type it out in ‘Youtube Search’ to find out if it already represents any other brands.

2. Use Tags in Description, Title, Video itself.

You should always use tags in the description of your video. Try using one main keyword which can be long. Use it especially in the title of your video, This helps in improving rank as keywords are mentioned in the title. No doubt, a better rank increases subscribers and views.

3. Using Broad Tags Can Make it Better

Use broad tags with your video, you can easily search them on website. Go on the website, enter a related word and then you can get a list of hashtags for the video.

4. Practice Using Alternative Tags for your YouTube Channel.

You should use some alternative tags on your channel directly, don’t use too many even adding 2 tags is enough to boost it.


I want to talk about this channel which blew up recently. James Jani is a Youtuber based in Europe. He does not do crazy camera angles or anything. Or does not use any big equipment. Instead, he records in a minimum cost setup right in his house.

What does He do? He picked a single niche.  And targeted tags, keywords, hashtags around that niche.  Niche means a specialized market. For instance, tech is a broad niche. And tech reviews for phones are a small niche. Niche is the current trend of youtube. James Jani’s niche includes business. And started making content as user-friendly as possible. You may know this. But you can seriously hurt your views if you are going to change your tags frequently. Tags define your video. And by changing tags, Youtube algorithms won’t be able to catch your specific niche. And will ignore your video. If you continue to do so, eventually you will hardly get any views. And the next important thing he does is speak your keyword or tags in your youtube video at least two times.  And I want to show an example of another channel which blew up recently. The channel name is Dream. As you know, it is one of the fastest-growing gaming channels. The dream is the best example of using youtube tags in the best way. In one of his videos, he says that he has seen hundreds of videos and read blogs. And following all the strategies of tagging, he was the perfect definition of youtube success. Youtube SEO’s most important factor is tags. Of course, there are many things to consider. But this is the factor that many people miss and lead to failure in the channel.

Tools to help you find Good Keywords


So Hashtags, Tags, and Keywords will help you grow big. And using them in the right way will help you grow faster. Make sure to avoid bad methods or unplanned youtube strategies. Finally, you can easily do a channel audit and find out more strategies to help improve your youtube journey. – – YouTube Views: Quick and Easy Ways to Increase their quantity

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