Its three-day forex trading course offers an introduction to the market, covering opportunity and risk, and provides students with an understanding of trading fundamentals and strategies. This Learn to Trade review covers course content and structure and aims to give an unbiased overview of the education programme as a whole. Learn to Trade has taught over 250,000 students worldwide and there are mixed reviews from past participants to be found online. However, it should be noted that the majority of these are positive reviews, and the students that have gained the most from this course are those that have dedicated themselves to mastering the skill of forex trading. For those with little to no experience in forex, it’s advisable that you first take advantage of Learn to Trade’s free two-hour workshop. These are held regularly at various locations across the UK and act as an introduction to the more comprehensive course discussed below. The three-day course itself is usually held at Learn to Trade’s London office, though owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course has been moved online for the short term. Once things return to normal, students will learn in a dedicated classroom with an adjoining live trading floor. All sessions are led by experienced tutors with professional trading experience.

Day One

The first day of the course is designed to take you through the fundamentals of forex trading. You will:

Learn basic terminology and be introduced to exchange rates Discuss topics including advanced price action and cyclicity, which form the basis of all technical analysis Cover common trading strategies Learn how to place a trade

Day one also includes an ‘emotional mastery’ section, guiding students through the principles of trading psychology. This is an important aspect of all trading education. Learning how to handle emotions like the ‘fear of missing out’ is key to minimising potential losses.

Day Two

Day two becomes more hands-on and you’ll start with an introduction to the SmartCharts platform. This is the trading software you’ll use for the remainder of the course. You’ll be introduced to its features and functionality, as well as how to use them with maximum efficiency to identify and execute successful trades. The course then moves on to the five strategies Learn to Trade recommend for profitable forex trading:

The 180 phase change Trend tracker Pip runner Volatility reversal Forex T-Wave

You’ll round off the day with a session on forex and the news, where you’ll learn the vital skill of predicting market movement based on global events, and will take an in-depth look at how to manage risk. You’ll then complete your theoretical training by working on your own trading plan based on everything you’ve learnt over the previous sessions.

Day Three

The final day of the course allows you to put what you’ve learnt into practice on the live trading floor under the guidance of your tutors. You’ll use your own trading account to execute real-time trades with your own funds.

Pros and Cons

As we mentioned at the start, this Learn to Trade review aims to offer an unbiased opinion of the course. With that in mind, here’s what we liked about it, and a few things that are worth being aware of: You need to be sure that you’re learning from someone with demonstrable success in the field, particularly when you’re investing a large sum into your training. Learn to Trade tutors come from a professional trading background and are trained to deliver the course content in a way that’s easy to understand for beginner students. It’s also clear from the comments made by past participants that they do this with enthusiasm and keen attention to detail.

Pro: Immersive Training

Trading in any market comes with a high degree of risk so it’s vital to get to grips with the fundamental principles before you enter a live trading environment. All good forex training courses will equip you with this knowledge, but Learn to Trade provides an immersive experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Having undertaken two days of intensive education, you’ll get to put theory into practice by placing live trades on the third and final day of the course. What’s more, you’ll have the support of professional traders on hand to guide you.

Pro: One-to-One Tuition

As part of the course package, you’ll get three one-to-one training sessions with a Learn to Trade tutor. These can be organised at your convenience on completion of the course and can be used to address anything you feel you need more guidance on. Learn to Trade clearly states that it takes commitment to become a successful forex trader, and the three-day course alone is not enough to take you from beginner to expert. The one-to-one sessions are there to ensure you make the most of the course content and help you plot any future training, so be sure to take advantage of them. Do remember, though, that there is no sure-fire way to make money from trading. All trading is, essentially, a gamble, but by learning to implement tried and tested techniques, you can minimise risk and increase opportunity.

Con: Intensive Learning Environment

This could be seen as a positive since intensive training is by far the fastest way to start your forex journey. However, we’ve listed it as a con in our Learn to Trade review as some people aren’t suited to this fast-paced learning environment. There’s a lot crammed into the two days of theoretical learning and if you’re someone who prefers to digest information at a slow pace, you might struggle to keep up. That said, you will have access to educational resources before you start your course, so taking the time to review these thoroughly will be of huge benefit.

Con: SmartCharts Focus

SmartCharts is a charting software company also founded by Greg Secker, and it’s the platform you’ll use throughout the course. The forex strategies you’ll be taught are all preprogrammed into the SmartCharts AI capability, making it easier for you to implement them. This is great if you intend to stick with SmartCharts software moving forward and if you want to use an affiliate broker. However, if you plan to shop around for your broker of choice, you should keep in mind that you’ll likely have to familiarise yourself with a new platform, like Meta Trader or NinjaTrader.

Con: The Upsell

Learn to Trade is a reputable education provider. It should be mentioned, though, that during your course you will be made aware of, and invited to join, its ongoing training programme, known as the Ultimate Wealth programme. Critics cite this as a marketing ploy, as the Ultimate Wealth programme comes at a significant cost. However, Learn to Trade is a business and there’s absolutely no obligation to sign up for further education. The Ultimate Wealth programme is designed for those that are serious about forex trading and are willing and able to make further financial investment to broaden their prospects. If this is you, make sure you fully understand the risks and costs involved before making any kind of commitment.

Con: Hidden Costs

There are some complaints around these from past students, but all associated fees are laid out in the full terms and conditions. As with any kind of financial investment, which this course certainly is, it is imperative you read all the information available to you before paying your deposit, to avoid any unpleasant surprises. That said, our research suggests the common cost ranges between £2,000 and £3,000, which is relatively average for this type of comprehensive training. If you attend the free forex workshop, you’ll be informed of current offers on the day, but make sure you’re fully committed to the programme before you pay your deposit as it is only partially refundable and there may be further costs involved. In addition to this, you’ll receive an at-home study aide in the form of a video tutorial. You should digest this fully before your course commences as it discusses some basic terminology and gives an overview of the market. You’ll also get lifetime access to the Learn to Trade Graduate website. Again, make use of this before you start the course as it explains some essential information like how to open your trade account and set up the SmartCharts software. You’ll also need to have set up and funded a trading account, and have access to a charting package, which is where some of the hidden costs come into play. As mentioned, your training will be conducted using the SmartCharts software, the platform through which you’ll learn to understand and execute trading strategies. As such, you’ll be required to pay a fee for this before you start. You’ll also be making live trades on day three, so you’ll need to have funds in your trading account. The exact fees for these are not listed on the Learn to Trade website, so do make sure you read the full terms and conditions or seek advice from the customer services team to get a full breakdown of costs before you join. If you are unsure, then it is probably a good idea to take the free one-day workshop before deciding to commit to the full course. This doesn’t mean that profits are guaranteed, however, as trading is always risky and there is always the potential for losses. After leaving at the age of 27, he began developing the Learn to Trade course which teaches individuals the best ways to make the most of their investments. He is also a motivational speaker and philanthropist. If you are dedicated to your forex education and understand that this comes at a cost, the course delivers an excellent standard of tuition and ongoing support. Forex trading is not for everyone so we strongly advise anyone thinking about this or any other form of trading, to get a good understanding of what the market involves and all associated risks. This is exactly what the free Learn to Trade forex workshop is designed for. It’s a way for students to establish if the market is right for them before committing to the paid-for programme. WikiJob does not provide tax, investment or financial services and advice. The information is being presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circumstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal.