The Caliper assessment has been in existence for more than 50 years. Created by the talent management company Caliper, the test builds on the work of prominent psychologists such as Raymond Cattell, Frank Warburton and others. Personality testing has been around for a very long time, though testing as we would recognize it today was pioneered in the 1920s. Originally used to test suitability for a range of different military roles, today personality tests are used for recruitment, personnel training and career development. The Caliper test is widely regarded as one of the leading personality tests available, offering a comprehensive and accurate assessment of a range of different variables. Employers increasingly want to know a little about your personality before they hire you. For this reason, the list of companies which use the Caliper test includes medical providers through to accountants, manufacturers (including those which make aircraft, autos, lab instruments, electronics, robotics, food and beverages), financiers, transportation services and services for business-process outsourcing. Because Caliper assessment questions are designed to measure a wide range of different attributes, the results of the test can be used to inform selection for a spectrum of different positions. Some of the larger corporations that routinely employ Caliper testing include:

ReSource Pro Marlin Leasing Corporation J.J Taylor Companies, Inc ifm Efector, Inc HIDA CHI Franciscan Health Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation

Why and When You Might Expect to Take the Caliper Profile Test

It is unlikely that you would be asked to complete Caliper testing for an entry-level or unskilled position. More commonly, the Caliper test is administered to senior executives, section leaders, specialists or other individuals who will hold significant responsibilities within a company. For these types of positions, competition will be intense. Often candidates will be highly qualified, experienced and skilled, with plenty to bring to the table. In these situations, personality will determine which candidate is going to be the best fit for the job, organizational culture and team. Where suitability for a position is as much about ‘fit’ as technical ability or relevant experience, Caliper testing can bring added value, by offering an insight into an individual’s personality. Caliper testing itself isn’t usually a deal-breaker when it comes to determining suitability, but it is a valuable tool for bringing additional information to the decision-making process. This is particularly helpful in jobs where there may be little to distinguish candidates in terms of their experience or qualifications. There are 180 questions in multiple-choice format, all of which must be answered. No time limit is given to complete the set of questions, although most people find they need between two and three hours to answer the test in its entirety. There are several different question formats, but almost all require that the candidate choose between a number of different responses. For example, a candidate may be asked: ‘What describes you best?’. Potential answers may be: ‘I am responsible’, ‘I am resourceful’, ‘I am a leader’ or ‘I have great communication skills’. Candidates will be required to pick the one they feel best mirrors their personality. In addition, there are some puzzles and problem-solving tasks contained within the test.

Caliper Profile Sample Questions and Answers

Below you’ll find a helpful selection of sample questions and possible Caliper testing answers you could provide.

Question 1

a) I will listen to people even if I disagree with them b) I often think others can’t keep up with me c) I enjoy assisting others d) I often experience emotional highs and lows For example, if you’re applying for a top sales role, describing yourself most as ‘skilled at the art of negotiation’ would be perceived as a strength. On the other hand, you’ll perhaps b least likely to evaluate and analyze information.

Question 4

You can also expect to answer a variety of other question types, such as pattern recognition questions that involve selecting the next logical image based on the sequence you can already see, as in the example below, which is a type of abstract reasoning test. Now, numerical reasoning tests can vary quite a bit. For example, you may need to identify the next number in the sequence. This is to primarily test your cognitive numerical skills rather than your personality traits. The number sequence test may feel a little odd at first. However, what you’re looking for is the connecting rule. Take the example number sequence below: Which letter/number sequence do you think will come next? You’ll usually find that there are four visible numbers and a gap for you to insert the missing one (as in the example below). The possible answers are: a) 13 b) 6 c) 14 d) 16 There are four main aspects of personality which are covered by the Caliper test:

Persuasiveness or leadership skills Interpersonal skills Problem-solving or decision-making Personal organization/time management

Within each of these categories, there are a number of characteristics, each of which receives a score from the test.

The leadership skill measurements include characteristics such as assertiveness, aggressiveness, ego, empathy, resilience, attitude to risk-taking, urgency (or motivation) and cautiousness. Interpersonal skills include empathy, flexibility and openness to other people’s views and ideas, skepticism, the ability to work as part of a team and sociability. Problem-solving or decision-making characteristics include level of creativity or originality, flexibility, attention to detail, abstract problem-solving (thinking outside the box), cautiousness, risk-taking and urgency. Characteristics which fall under the time management category broadly include traits such as approach to risk-taking, degree of motivation (does an individual have the inner drive to complete tasks without outside drivers?) and thoroughness (including whether someone is detail-driven).

Although there is no ’wrong’ type of profile to have as a result of taking the test, some profiles are going to be more in line with what employers are looking for than others. With appropriate coaching and input, it’s possible to work on your test answers so that they more accurately reflect the inner qualities that you want employers to see. With assistance, most people who are required to take the Caliper test can improve their performance by ensuring that they present themselves optimally throughout the testing process. If you’ve been asked to take a Caliper test and are eager to show your potential employer that you’re the right person for the job, additional coaching can be of benefit.

What Will Employers Do with the Caliper Test Answers?

It is important to stress that the Caliper test is not the be-all and end-all of the recruitment process. Many factors go into the decision-making process including experience, skills and qualifications, enthusiasm, salary demanded, how quickly you can start and several other variables. The role of the Caliper test is normally to bring added depth to the interview process. For example, if a candidate is asked during an interview to describe a situation where they acted in a leadership role, their answer can be compared against their Caliper test results in to suggest whether their interview response reflected their general attitude towards leadership, or was simply a well-chosen snapshot. The Caliper test might also be used to assess a candidate or existing employee for their future potential in a role, by assessing whether they might have a natural affinity for success in a role due to their personality type. In a similar way, it can identify areas where employees might need further training. The Caliper test can also be helpful when it comes to obtaining balance within a team in order to achieve optimal outcomes. For example, if a team assigned to a particular project is deficient in individuals with a detail-orientated approach, or those with the ability to solve an abstract problem, recruiters will probably view someone showing these qualities as a more favorable proposition for the job. They might also be looking to create a team with personality types that are known to work well together.

Is the Caliper Test Reliable?

In general, the test has been found to have a surprisingly high degree of predictive accuracy. In part, this is because the ideal profile for a particular job is taken from the results of individuals who are high-fliers in their particular industry. These ‘profiles of success’ form the basis of comparison with the results candidates submit. This is one of the reasons why the test is very hard to manipulate. Not only are the questions very cleverly designed but, unless you are extremely sure what the profile of the ideal candidate might be, it’s virtually impossible to cheat your way into generating the ideal profile. That said, there is plenty of preparation and practice which can be done to ensure that you answer optimally should you be asked to complete a Caliper test. Although pre-planning may not make you into a dream candidate, it will ensure that you are able to complete the test to the very best of your ability. Detailed below are a few simple tips to ensure you stand the best possible chance of getting the outcome you want when it comes to your Caliper test result.

Tips for Preparation and Test Taking

If you know you are going to be taking the Caliper test, the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the various question types on offer, as well as the format for answering them, can be invaluable. There are many organizations and online sites out there which can offer assistance with Caliper test preparation, but make sure you choose one which is reputable and will genuinely give you the assistance you need. JobTestPrep is one that we recommend. Here is our step by step guide for successful test taking: Do not attempt to game your way into a job that you know you’re not suited to. This will help you to see what qualities are of most value in the role and enable you to assess your own personality against the ideal profile before taking the test. There are a variety of techniques which can be learned to improve your ability in this area. In many cases, these questions are not particularly difficult but do require a particular approach which may be unfamiliar. For these sorts of questions, practice and coaching can really make a difference. There is plenty of online help out there, so take advantage of it if you feel it would be of value. Have a good healthy breakfast and stay well hydrated. If you are looking for online resources to help you prepare for the Caliper test, WikiJob recommends JobTestPrep. For the best chance of achieving a good score in the Caliper test, it is important to put in plenty of practice. This will help you to understand how the test is structured, allowing you to feel confident on the day of the test. You should also research the job role you are applying for. This will help you to understand the qualities that are required to succeed in the job role you are applying for and whether your personality will be a good fit. Scores are delivered using a scale between 1 and 99. A score between 60 and 79 shows that the test-taker is likely to succeed in the position, providing they are given support in some areas. A score between 80 and 99 suggests that the test-takers personality tendencies will be a good fit for the job role requirements. The Job-Fit Score is presented alongside a competency overview, a summary of key findings and preferred working styles.